The creation of a Fort Drum Compatibility Committee was a recommendation of the JLUS report.
Through this committee, local jurisdictions, Fort Drum, developers, and other stakeholders can continue their collaboration to establish procedures, recommend or refine specific actions, and make adjustments to strategies over time to ensure the JLUS continues to resolve key compatibility issues into the future through realistic strategies and implementation.
The Committee is managed by Development Authority Staff. The Development Authority entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fort Drum Garrison on June 27, 2017 to provide three-county community planning coordination and communication. The Authority’s Director of Regional Development, Michelle Capone, acts as a liaison between Fort Drum Garrison and surrounding communities to assist with issues associated with compatible land use planning. Ms. Capone also assists with implementation of the recommendations from the Joint Land Use Study.
Communities are encouraged to contact the Ms. Capone at or 315-661-3200 to assist with the following:
• Drafting compatible zoning and subdivision codes;
• Developing Fort Drum-specific language for comprehensive plans and other long-range planning processes;
• Project-based review and analysis for compatibility;
• Any Fort Drum-related questions.
Fort Drum Compatibility Committee Members
Michael Bourcy, Jefferson County Planning Andy Nevin, Jefferson County Planning Casandra Buell, Lewis County Planning Jason Pfotenhauer, St. Lawrence County Planning Michael Lumbis, City of Watertown Planning Jessica Jenack, Town of Leray Planning Thomas E. Stewart, Town of Champion Scott Allen, Town of Pamelia Gary Eddy, Town of Rutland Deborah Lamora, Town of Philadelphia Katie Malinowski, Tug Hill Commission Mark Pacilio, Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust Nancy Datoush, Advocate Drum Jason Wagner, Fort Drum Natural Resources Andrew Kennedy, Fort Drum Airfield Sonja Draught, Fort Drum Plans, Analysis, and Integration Cathy Fahsel, Fort Drum Plans, Analysis, and Integration Col. Matthew R. Myer, Fort Drum Garrison