Airport Noise Compatibility Planning (14 CFR Part 150) : FAA provides a wealth of data and tools on airport noise compatibility training and airport noise and access restrictions.
Federal Highway Administration's Environmental Review Toolkit : Resources to assist with environmental topics such as air quality, community impacts, hazardous waste and brownfields, noise, Section 6(f), and visual impacts.
Department of Defense's Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation's Program Overview Page.
Fort Drum / New York Army National Guard
Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) Program : The ACUB program allows installations to work with partners to encumber off-post land to protect habitat and buffer training without acquiring any new land for Army ownership. Through ACUB, the Army reaches out to partners to identify mutual objectives of land conservation and to prevent development of critical open areas. The Army can contribute funds to the partner’s purchase of easements or properties from willing landowners. These partnerships preserve high-value habitat and limit incompatible development in the vicinity of military installations. Establishing buffer areas around Army installations limits the effects of encroachment and maximizes land inside the installation that can be used to support the installation's mission.
Fort Drum Installation Compatible Use Zone Study - 2016 - The ICUZ study quantifies the noise environment from military training sources and recommends the most appropriate uses of noise-impacted areas. The study replaces the April 2009 Fort Drum Installation Noise Management Plan and provides information that reflects the most accurate picture of the activities as of August 2015.
Fort Drum Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan - 2021-The Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan is the current plan to manage natural resources on Fort Drum to support and sustain military training, ensure "no net loss" of training lands, and conserve natural resources.
Fort Drum Strategic Plan -2021-2026- Strategic roadmap for Fort Drum members at every level to continuously improve operations and establish Fort Drum as the premier world-class sustainable installation. Initially developed in 1996, the plan is reviewed and updated annually by the Garrison Executive Council.
Fort Drum Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan - 2021-2025 - The Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan provides guidance and procedures to enable the Garrison Commander to meet the legal responsibilities of responsible stewardship of the cultural resources at Fort Drum.
Wheeler Sack Army Airfield District Area Development Plan -2015-Area development plan prepared for the Wheeler Sack Army Airfield District.
State of New York
Creating the Community You Want: Municipal Options for Land Use Control : This describes both the importance of planning to identify how a municipality wishes to develop, as well as the regulatory techniques available to help it realize its goals. It begins with a discussion of the comprehensive plan, continues with a survey of various zoning tools and smart growth concepts that can be used to regulate land use and development, and concludes with an explanation of other methods useful for managing land resources and the built environment.
Guide to Planning and Zoning Laws of New York State : This highly comprehensive publication, part of the Department of State’s “James A. Coon Local Government Technical Series,” is designed to help municipal officials and attorneys make more efficient use of planning and zoning laws.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority's Solar Guidebook: The Wind Energy Toolkit provides information on the various aspects of wind energy development. The document’s intended audience includes communities in New York State preparing for wind energy development, both by a developer and a community sponsored project.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority's Wind Energy Guidebook.
Development Authority of the North Country
Partnership Agreement between Fort Drum and the Development Authority
Municipal Law Summary : summarizes what every municipality in Jefferson County has in terms of their zoning laws, comprehensive plans, and subdivisions. Included in the summary is whether the municipality has wind turbine regulations.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
County Comprehensive Plan : adopted October 2009
Solar in Lewis County: A link to solar development in Lewis County.
Municipal Land Use Laws: A link to the most up-to-date municipal zoning and land use laws for municipalities in Lewis County.
Model Cell Tower Law: A link to model cell tower law.
Model Wind Law: A link to model wind law.
City of Watertown Land Use Plan: adopted 2019
Complete Streets Policy : adopted January 2017
Comprehensive Plan: adopted 2019
Town of Champion and Wilna, and Villages of Carthage and West Carthage
The towns of Champion and Wilna and the Villages of Carthage,West Carthage, and Deferiet are all members of the River Area Council of Governments (RACOG), and therefore have similarly structured comprehensive plans and zoning laws as well as a cooperative Zoning Board of Appeals.
Cooperative RACOG Zoning Board of Appeals
Champion Zoning Law : adopted in 2014
Champion contact number: 315-493-3240
Wilna contact number: 315-493-2771
Carthage Zoning Law : adopted August 2004
Carthage contact number: 315-492-1060
West Carthage
West Carthage Zoning Law : adopted January 2005
West Carthage Zoning Permit Form
West Carthage contact number: 315-493-2552
Starting a Project?: Instructions for planning a project in the Town of LeRay.
Planning Forms & Documents : downloadable forms for a Special Use Permit, Site Plan Application, Major and Minor Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment, SEQR Long and Short forms
Contact number: 315-629-4052
Zoning Forms and Codes : downloadable forms for Site Plan Review/Special Use Permits, Variances, Major and Minor Subdivisions, Zoning Permits and links to Codes.
Contact number: 315-782-8248
Contact number: 315-642-9793
Comprehensive Plan: adopted 2019
Contact number: 315-543-0030
Planning for Offsite Solar Projects: published February 2021